Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Goodbye Lizard, hello bicycle

Last seen in this Agapanthus, our blue tongue lizard has been accidentally released back into the wild. Being a slow moving creature who likes to hide, his tendency was to stay in one place if he felt safe. But this time, our Blue Tongue wandered off. He is probably still lurking in the bushes somewhere.

Of course, it happened after we had just made him enough food to last him until we got back from Canada. His favorite: watermelon and mashed potato with cooked chicken, mixed with Repti-Cal powder.

Max has been rediscovering the joys of bike riding. Some mornings he gets up early before school to ride in circles in the court. Even better is when he can ride in a big circle around the footy oval. 

We bought some "Hundreds and Thousands". They are used to decorate cakes or sprinkled on buttered bread to make Fairy Bread. The bag exploded while we were opening it but luckily George was nearby and helped with the cleanup.
Another thing we do for fun around here is massacre flies, lots and lots of them.

Step 1: Stun the fly by whacking it with a teatowel. Be careful not to use it for drying dishes later.

Step 2: Pick the fly up with toilet paper 

We then flush them down the toilet. Our record in one session is 27 flies. 

Milo STILL hasn't had her baby guinea pigs. We leave for Canada in 8 days. Please have your babies before we go, Milo!

George likes to put Choo-Choo down his top (he's not allowed to hold Milo at the moment as she is huge and fragile and she nips). Choo-Choo's little claws leave red scratches on George, but he doesn't seem to mind. 

We have agreed to rent a small house in Flaggy Creek. We can move in at the end of April. We took Nanny and Gramps to show them the place. It is very near to where we are now, but out of town a bit. Max will take the bus to school. There is a bus stop just down the road.

There is fine black dirt in the area around the house. It's going to be a challenge keeping that dirt out of the house. 

Max and George went straight into the bath after that.


  1. Can't wait to see the boys! I finally figured out how to become a follower, so I can finally comment!

    love to them! zia cri, annaboo and luca and cam!

  2. Hello Nicole! Great post! I still can't believe how big the boys are. I so hope to see you when you are here. How long is your stay?
