Friday, March 26, 2010

A baby boy and four baby guineapigs

Shani had her baby boy! Here are his vital statistics above.
That's 5.5 lbs and 18.5 inches long.

We went to the hospital straight after school and met Malikai when he was one day old (Max has a black eye from being hit by a flying matchbox car at school a few days ago).

The kids were supposed to stay quiet in the hospital and not run around, which got old pretty quick. We will visit baby Malikai at home in the next few days.
Afterwards, it was the Cub's day to swim in the pool. 

Some of the Cubs were going for their "Swimmer Badge". The tasks were: 

1) Explain the "buddy" system and the basic rules of safe swimming
2) Jump feet first into water over your head, swim 25m then turn and swim 25m back.
3) Swim on your back for 25m
4)Tread water for one minute
5) Float on your back for 30 seconds

Max and some of the other younger Cubs played in the pool while this was going on.George played with them too.

Recently the Primary School and Preschool kids all met up at the local park for a fun run and healthy lunch event.

Today it was out of uniform day so Max dressed himself. 

We looked out the window this morning and our pregnant guineapig, Milo, was seen nibbling grass and looking suspiciously slim. Sure enough, four sweet and perfect little baby guineas were hiding in the hay.

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