Max has been continuing to ride his bike to school. Most mornings George and I watch him take off. He does a few circles in the court before he goes, one day he scraped his pedal on the ground and nearly fell off.
George secretly took Max's birthday silly putty to bed, thinking he'd like to sleep with it in his hand, and woke up glued to his horsey.
It turns out you CAN get silly putty out of fabric, by freezing it and then scraping and then dissolving the residue with WD40. The horsey has been saved from the bin. George said I was his hero.
Here we are eating icecream at the Lindenow Footy Club 1980 and 89 premiership reunion dinner.
We went to the Riviera Pets and Aquariums with Max's birthday money. He fell in love with the baby Macquarie Shortnecked Turtles. He put $20 of his birthday money down as a deposit (reserving his other $15 for the toy shop) and over the next few months we will gradually pay off the turtle, and find a large fishtank, a floating island, UV lights, basking lights, and a water heater for the turtle's habitat.
They are cute, and interactive - when you go near the tank the turtles come and beg for food. They tuck their neck sideways when they hide. They will grow to the size of a bread plate.
If Max wants to earn money to help pay off his turtle, I said I will employ him to do the vacuuming.
We made some playdough. That's a playdough "thumbs up" in between Max's and George's hands.
Once Max was reminded that we have food dye he just had to do some experimentation.
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