Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Housework, Shopping at Coles Supermarket, Visits, Mothers Day

There hasn't been a blog in a while because I lost my camera. These pictures were taken on Royce's camera. Thanks Royce!

Here's George, trying out my new massage table.

Max helped me bring in the laundry one day while George washed the dishes.

All the kids bringing in laundry for Aunty Shani on Mother's day.

... as the chickens watched.

5 week old Malakai, sleeps a lot still.

We have an old school desk where Max does his homework. Here is a page of his Maths homework.

Max has brought home a few more of those achievement tickets. The one on the bottom in this picture got forgotten and went all the way to Canada and back in his bag.

Nanny and Gramps came to visit, bringing with them the suitcases and boxes which hadn't fit in our car when we arrived the previous week.

Included in the things they brought were our collection of Christmas decorations. This was when I learnt that George wants it to be Christmas. Now!

We had also brought Max's first bike from Canada. Nanny and Gramps had fixed it up, replaced the back tyre which had a hole in it, and installed training wheels. Now George has a bike too.

We had a little get together at Aunty Shani's for her birthday. We made Chocolate Fudge Ribbon cake.

Here is a paddock (field) of black cows and white cockies (Cockatoos)  that we saw on the way over to Shani's house at Eagle Point.

Here is one of my many Mother's Day presents. It has become a coveted item. A knitted hot water bottle cosy. I have had to buy a second hot water bottle so Max and George can go to bed with one hot water bottle each. Otherwise they argue over who gets to have it.

The lines on George's chest are the scratches where he was attacked by a tiger. That's what he told me.

Mothers Day dinner with Royce's family at the Lindenow Pub. Max really liked my pork crackling and has asked me to make roast pork at home.

More gifts for Mother's Day: Poetry, pansies in a handpainted planter, and an apron.

Max's school had athletic day. He brought home a ribbon for 3rd place in shotput. He had participated in lots of events.

George and I bought a pumpkin from this roadside stand. Should go well with the roast pork.

Here's Max and Connor playing the DUST GAME. You get to try out how to blow stuff up with different combinations of elements and explosives and acids and how they affect various materials.

We took some pictures of price tags at Coles supermarket in Bairnsdale, so you can compare the prices to what it costs to buy lemons, coffee, or kangaroo steak where you live.

Most backyards have a lemon tree here.
A lot of people have passionfruit vines at home too.

This is sunset along the road to Lindenow as we drove home after doing the shopping.

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