On the same day there was an Art & Craft Exhibition at the Lindenow town hall. Max and George had work on display that they had made at school and preschool.
If you look carefully you will see how "Max" is written in hieroglyphics.
Here we are at the Men's room in the hall.
This week Max announced that he was ready to ride to school on his own. Prior to this I had led or followed in the car. It is a short ride of 2 quiet blocks. We don't usually encounter more than one car on the way.
Here's George at Preschool this week.
We had lunch at Max's school.
George enjoys playing with the big kids.
Thursday night, and a surprise for Max at Cubs. He hadn't yet been "inducted". We didn't know tonight was the night of the ceremony, for which Max was supposed to have memorised the following Cubs Promise:
On my honour
I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to my God, and
To Australia
To help other people, and
To live by the Cub Scout Law
I promise that I will do my best
To do my duty to my God, and
To Australia
To help other people, and
To live by the Cub Scout Law
He managed to say his vows with a bit of help! Then he was decorated with badges.
The badges show Max is a Wolf Cub and a member of the Scouting family of a) the world; b) Australia; c) East Gippsland; and d) Bairnsdale.
Congratulations, on becoming a WolfCub, Max!!!