Thursday, July 8, 2010

Winter school holidays

The kids are suddenly very interested in making food. Here is George, juicing up some apples. We made our own icypoles with the juice.

This is a "jaffle iron". It was my grandmother's. Max now makes beautiful golden-brown toasted sandwiches with it. For some reason they taste way better than the toasted sandwiches made in electric sandwich makers. 

Here is George helping me hem some jeans, and Max's newly patched knee.

We do have a more creative sewing project planned. It will look something like this:

One day Max's friend Jack came over and roasted some marshmallows. 

Here is a photo of the "brother moles". Both kids have a mole on the same spot on their arm. George's one is darker. 

Here is George making some homebrew. 

Uncle Mike, Aunty Nat, and Nanny and Gramps all had lunch at the Farmer's Home Hotel in Lindenow. George took these photos. You can see a plastic thing sitting in the glass in front of Aunty Nat, which was the holder for the applejuice icy pole that George made in the first photo.

One morning Saskia and her parents came over for breakfast. Max made pancakes and Saskia and George cleaned the floor.

Sometimes Max tries to watch TV but it isn't always easy.

Aunty Nat and Uncle Mike gave both kids a world cup soccer ball. For Max's birthday, he got a paper aeroplane book which has been well used. 

We visited Nanny and Gramps at their caravan. Nanny had bought some new clothes for the boys. It was the 5th of July, but I think those American flags are hanging up year-round.

Max has been showing such an interest in cooking. Here he is cooking his first barbie. This is one of the requirements for getting a Cooking Level 1 badge at Cubs.

Another requirement for the Cooking badge is to make yourself a hot breakfast and a beverage. Max made french toast and a milo. He was also required to clean up afterwards. 

On the same morning he also made a batch of pikelets for morning tea when the grandparents were visiting. 

Here is George demonstrating how to dance like a girl. 

Go George!!

Max was inspired to make some fresh lemonade. He juiced 1/3 cup of lemon juice, melted 1/3 cup caster sugar in 1/3 cup water, allowed it to cool a bit, then mixed it all up with 1 cup of water. Yum!


  1. These are awesome!!! Keep it commin' great job Mamma.

  2. Great dancing Giorgio!!!!! We really miss you two, can't wait to see you. LOve Zia NIco and Matteo
