Monday, February 8, 2010

Bluey the blue-tongue lizard, Choo-Choo the guinea pig, time with family

Sometimes when it rains after a long hot day you just have to put on your superhero suit and run around in the rain.


Taylor Park friends will be interested to know that after a rainy day there were only 20 cars outside the school and room for plenty more - but approximately 60 cockatoos in the tree. Click to enlarge if you want to count them.


Dave kindly invited us to a private fireworks show out at his sheep farm. George was jamming on the harmonica with the guitarists.


Nanny and Gramps came to town, and we all got together at Aunty Shani's for a big party. To us, it was Christmas and George's birthday all rolled into one.

And best of all, in the garden at Aunty Shani's house, Max spotted and managed to catch a blue-tongued lizard!

It was hissing, puffing up its body, and trying to bite everyone. But in 15 minutes it was tame and happy to be held.Cousin Piama plays with a kid whose family has a pet blue tongue. They play dress ups with it. We have learnt that blue tongue babies are born in late January, so this one is probably less than 2 weeks old. They are born live, not from eggs. It probably had 20 siblings, many of whom will be eaten by currawongs and kookaburras.Their tongue is really blue. They are harmless. They grow really big. In 2 years this one will be 50cm.


Holly and Pia have lots of blue tongue lizards in their back yard. Gerry had eaten one recently.

We got together with Nanny and Gramps again over the next couple of days. One day they brought Holly and Pia and visited us in Lindenow. We visited Max's school and George's school, and had a play at the park.

One night the baby lizard fell asleep on Max as he watched TV. When I turned the light on to take this photo it woke up. It was so cute to see it lying on its side with its eyes closed.


With Bluey stealing all the limelight, Milo the guinea pig was seeming mopey and lonely. The Bairnsdale Pet Shop had this little black and tan guinea. She is 5 months old and we have called her Choo-Choo after the famous Choo Choo Bar, a liquorice flavoured toffee that has helped many Australian children lose their baby teeth. Max and George have eaten a bit of one, didn't like it. Little Choo Choo has a friendly personality. Milo attacked her at first, but now they are good friends. The kids love having pets.

1 comment:

  1. such awesome adventures you guys. i'm all over the superhero suits.
